The camping is the tourist sector that has evolved the most in recent years. While it is true that the sector has been asleep for a certain time, now it is compelled not to lose an important position within the vacation options. To continue in this struggle of...
The definition of camping is very clear in terms of its concept; a recreational outdoor activity. The participants leave the urban areas, their region of origin, or their civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or more nights outdoors in the middle of a...
The camping sector is a revenue generator like few others. When an investor contacts us interested in buying one, the first thing we ask is whether he knows this sector. Why this question? Because, in a very high percentage, when a campsite goes on sale it is not for...
Tourism can never be completely sustainable, since, like every industry, it has impacts, but we can work for a more responsible tourism. When we talk about “Sustainable Tourism” we often do not realize the complexity of the concept. From the tourism sector, we...
A l’hora d’invertir esforços a promocionar, posicionar, fidelitzar i, al cap i a la fi, facturar més, moltes vegades cerquem fórmules complicades, costoses, indirectes i sense feedback. No creieu molt més fàcil, pràctic i menys costós, fidelitzar els...
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